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What lies perhaps at the bottom of the Castle Lake?

Community Actions

Well, 30 divers and snorkelers from OceanAdventures Dive Center in Kolding, Denmark can answer that question when last Saturday they cleaned the lake as part of a Project AWARE Dive Against Debris event.

The Danish weather showed its best side and featured bright sunshine all day long. About 30 divers and snorkelers, and many many more volunteers on land, decided to swing by and lend a hand. The water in the lake was nice and warm, around 15-16 degrees with a really good visibility at 4-5m – so perfect cleanup water!

One of the more interesting items discovered were some 2nd World War fire cartridges. There were also some unusual finds - an old toilet, smoke grenades, bicycles, boxes, shoes, skates, signs, money, purse, ID cards, piggy bank, an old milk and cream bottles from the milkman's time, cart, chair, madam blue teapots and all the world's other junk and debris!

"It's amazing what we find each time we clean this lake. Out of sight - out of mind, but not quite, because when the volunteer divers get started, many things were pulled out of the lake and the focus we got from the local media is exactly what we need to turn things around," says Martin Pedersen from OceanAdventures Dive Center and organizer of the cleanup day.

Thank you to everyone who took part on the day.

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